Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leadership and Learning Challenges to Sustaining Momentum

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Learning Challenges to Sustaining Momentum. Answer: Introduction: Organisational Learning is defined as the field in which the academic research as well as the practice in profession field is developed with a relative updated structure (Drupsteen Guldenmund, 2014). Cyat and March first develop the organisational learning formulated the theory of behavior in a firm or an organisation. The experience gain by the companies helps them to adapt in the environment and situational conditions where challenges are maximum. Two years from the introduction of the first theory, Canglesoi and Dill involved in publishing an article named Organisational Learning: Observation towards a theory. According to me, the organisational learning in the viewpoint of academic research is the study of processes of learning in an organisation. Organisational learning is therefore a process, which is based on learning of an individual with the help of private as well as public organisation responsible for creating and gaining knowledge in order to get accustomed to the enviro nment and the situative conditions (Matthews, MacCarthy Braiziotois, 2017). The interconnectivity is growing within the organisation and it is becoming intense day to day. Therefore, the effect of organisational learning is also increasing, as many of the organisations are training their employees on this sector. The level of complexity is increasing or the running business of various companies therefore all the organisations are striving for the best possible framework that could be attainable by the organisations. The competitiveness in the market bounds the organisations to transform the learning organisation in order to sustain in the competitive market. Therefore, I think this aversive situation led the organisations to formulate an innovative strategy for enhancing the environment of learning (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). According to my opinion this processes are also becoming effective as they are providing adequate inspirations to the organisations for innovating strategy at every level of organisations. I think the process of learning facilitate the organisation by structuring a generous culture and high level of trust within the organisation. If the company succeeds in creating, an environment that would facilitates the learning in a contemporary and technology oriented way then I think that the organisation would attain certain benefits (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). According to my point of view, learning organisation should be encouraged as it helps the employees of the organisation to promote teamwork and help the organisation to attain benefits. Ideal Learning Organisation is defined as the organisation that helps in analyzing in the best possible way and helps in developing the strategies that helps in overcoming certain barriers and the set of goals is been achieved by overcoming those barriers using the appropriate strategies. The organisation, which focuses on ideal learning, is an educational organisation in my point of view because in these organisations the employees have the scope to gain the new skills with the he lp of learning. Ideal organisations are also responsible for the change in behavior, gaining and interpreting skills of the employees (Sessa London, 2015). All this skills are increased in an ideal organisation. The various characteristics of an ideal organisation make them different from the traditional organisation. The invention of System thinking is one of the significant steps taken by ideal organisation. It involves all the employees in the organisation to acquire the knowledge of the function regarding the consequences of all the actions taken by organisations. The indicator for a learning organization is measured in terms of knowledge. Organisational learning takes place when there is a certain transformation in the field of knowledge of an organisation. The measurement of organisational knowledge is done in variety ways by researcher. The process involving the collection, knowledge spreading and development that enables the employees of an organization to learn is known as knowledge management (Hislop, 2013). The nature of knowledge is heterogeneous and the data, information is related from different field to construct a knowledge management environment. Knowledge could be differentiated into Explicit and Tacit Knowledge. Explicit Knowledge could easily be transfer and is factual. The medium of verbal, written or by coding is been adopted for the transfer of knowledge. The research work suggested that Toyota follows the explicit knowledge policy in transferring the knowledge. Explicit knowledge highlights the steps required to perform for the completion of a job. It also gives information about the time span of each work. It gives a vivid description about the steps that each employee needs to follow (Schoenherr, Griffith Chadra, 2016). Tacit knowledge is difficult to transfer. It is basically a personal type knowledge that could not be transfer using the medium of writing and verbal communication. The learning process is gained mostly through experience. The transfer of Tacit Knowledge is therefore difficult to transfer, as it is too difficult for coding (Schoenherr, Griffith Chadra, 2016). The only way of transferring the knowledge is by practicing and gaining experience. The organisational learning is responsible for tracking the changes that take place in organisation as it helps in gaining knowledge and experience. The computation of Organisational learning is done by creating, retaining and transferring the knowledge that is to be quantified. According to my point of view, the most general and adaptable ways of computing the organisational learning is the detailed organisational learning curve that demonstrates the effects of the curve that has been drawn by taking consideration the data that has been provided by the organisation. Learning curves helps in measuring the pace of relative learning to the metric of experience (Jaber, 2016). The three factors that affect the pace are the increase in proficiency of an individual, technology of the organisation improved, and the structure of the organisation is improved. The benefits of organisation learning are seen when the company faces several challenges in their business. As the company is facing day-to-day changes in technology due to the advancement of technology the organisations adopted new strategies that could be troublesome for the employees. Therefore, if the employees are been provided with learning organizations it could be easy for them to be accustomed with the environment of the business. The organisational learning ensures the strategic co-ordination is maintained between the allocated resource, goals of the organisation, objectives and needs of the customer (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). The training provided by the organisations is regarded as the waste of money and time for the company. Organisational Learning helps in providing the alternative strategies for the employees to gain knowledge. This makes the company to pay a low cost for the training. The organisational learning also provides the space for learning individually and personal development. It supports enquiry that raised the motivation of the employees to work together in a good working environment (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). It also provides benefit by integration of team learning as working in a team helps in uplifting good group work and team spirit is raised. It helps in retaining people and enables learning by sharing. Organizational learning is growing excessively and many multinational companies had adapted this strategy for achieving benefit and promoting the employees by giving them more confidence for working efficiently and effectively. Learning is defined as the competitive advantages and benefit achieved by the organization. I particular disagree this point from the view that organization learning is those interests that are been taken mainly into consideration and are being served. The restrictions faced by the learning organization are the organization is being a frame of learning (Senge, 2014). The dominant role played by the managers towards the sub-ordinate is discouraging for the sub-ordinates. The employees plays the role of sub-ordinate, who are been differentiated as the learner having deficit of the knowledge (Senge, 2014). Though there is some limitations in the organization learning but it also leads to the growth of the organization. The growth is achieved by continuous improve ment in the environment of project learning. Learning organizations helps in providing a good environment so that the employees have the freedom of working. This step helps in the growth of the employees with quality working and benefits the organizations to reach a certain goal. Organizational learning helps in innovating the concept of knowledge and the direction of it. It promotes creativity and gives the space for the employees to come up with innovative ideas (Sujan Furniss, 2015). It gives value to the ideas provided by every employee. In my opinion this leads to the satisfaction of the employee as they are been valued by the company and the company becomes rich in opinions. Organizational learning has become the most important strategy for gaining success in business. The organizations wanting to incorporate the concept of learning organization requires a strategy that defines the goal as well as the objectives with a set of target. The establishment of these goals and objectives is followed by the implementation of the strategic tools that is been set up by the organizations. The gaining of strategic advantages is not that easy in the current climatic situation of the business (Roathermal, 2015). The implementation of the strategies of organizational learning helps in spreading the knowledge in the entire organization. In my view point Organizational learning should be incorporated for the increasing the competencies among the employees and achieving skill as well as capabilities. According to theory of Donald Schon and Chris Argvris the theoretical work still finds a impact in organizational learning. We can observe the theories of professional learning and the process of learning in an organization. He wished to compute the level of business extent by inventing Learning systems. Both of the theory makers worked on learning systems and gave a perfect implementing way that shows the leadership quality they had in them (Moon, 2013). Chris Argvris in his individual research work focused on the organizational structure and the behavior of the superior. When both of them worked together again they analyzed on the concepts of governing of variables, strategic action and the consequences of those actions (Moon, 2013). Governing of variables limited the proportions within which the individuals should perform and strategic actions are taken to keep the governing of variables within a range that is acceptable. In my opinion Organizational learning has capture the business market and is growing famous globally. Therefore, all the organizations should apply this strategy to gain competitive advantages over the rival company. The present views shows that all the organizations are following this strategy but not every organization are gaining benefits from it. The difference lies in the implementing ways of the different organization. Therefore, each business should apply the organizational way with a correct strategy and with a good strategic resource. Reference List Chaudoir, S. R., Dugan, A. G., Barr, C. H. (2013). Measuring factors affecting implementation of health innovations: a systematic review of structural, organizational, provider, patient, and innovation level measures. Implementation Science, 8(1), 1. Drupsteen, L., Guldenmund, F. W. (2014). What is learning? A review of the safety literature to define learning from incidents, accidents and disasters. 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