Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolescent Depression Essay 3 - 1549 Words

Adolescent Depression Depression is something that I really have had no experience with in my life. Personally, I might have thought about killing myself figuratively at one specific point in my life. I thought about what the consequences would be and how it would effect the people who surround me in my life. As soon as these thoughts raced through my mind, I quickly realized that suicide is the wrong way to deal with life. I know that depression plays an essential role when dealing with suicide. There are three main depressive orders: Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, and Bipolar Disorder. Major depression is manifested by a combination of symptoms (see symptom list) that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep,†¦show more content†¦Individual factors are things such as peer pressure, family issues, economic problems, or medical problems. From my experience, peer pressure or fitting in, is the single most prevalent problem among adolescents today. This seems to be because the demands on today s adolescents are more complex than they used to be for previous generations. Many of today s youth fail to have a source of guidance and love, whether it is a family, role model, or even a group of friends. To help adolescents deal with peer pressure one could provide opportunities for success such as joining a group that encourage and value the individual. Another way to help the individual would be to focus on the positive by praising their accomplishments. Preparing adolescents with alternatives such as discussing ways to resist peer pressure and thinking for themselves are good ways to help them cope. When dealing with the topic of depression, many times it s because the adolescent doesn t fit in nor have any friends to help him/her with their problem. Peers are necessary for normal social development and can be an ef fective role model as well. In many cases, ones self concept is influenced by how he/she is viewed by their peers. The concept of self is a big factor of why adolescents fall under the disorder of depression. When dealing with the idea of treatment, the first thing that all patients should do is to seek out a physical examination by aShow MoreRelatedWhat Aspects of Depression are show in Children, Adolescents, and Adulthood?1511 Words   |  7 Pagescycle throughout life. Individuals describe depression as a state of sadness and confusion that humans face, but in reality depression impacts much more than one’s mood or behavior. I strongly believe depression is a mental health disorder, one in which people of society need to take more serious. I have been struggling with depression for quite a few years, as well as, witnessing close family members and friends who also face the daily challenges depression brings alone. It is hard to read the newsRead MoreThe Causes of Adol escent Depression1189 Words   |  5 Pagesclinical depression† (â€Å"Safe Teens†). 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