Sunday, February 23, 2020

Peter singer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Peter singer - Essay Example Utilitarianism, in the words of utilitarian(2011), states that the authenticity of an action can be termed as positive if â€Å"  "right if it produces as much or more of an increase in happiness of all affected by it than any alternative action, and wrong if it does not". Studies indicate how human beings’ interests should be weighed. Singer advocates strongly that the rights and interests of every individual should be considered just as one would consider his own interests and rights. The philosopher advocates Animal Rights by stating that animals have the right to be decisive of their free will just like humans do and that they should be weighed equally with humans considering that they own the ecosystem just as much as humans do. Singer advocates the killing of certain newborn infants who face genetic abnormalities that are untreatable. This killing, he proposes, should be done only at the discretion of their parents. Euthanasia should be administered to such infants, thus ceasing their life long miseries once and for all. Singer addresses the issue of world poverty by highlighting that a lavish dinner in an expensive restaurant can be put off by the thought that the cost spent at it may be used to feed several poor children who cannot afford even the basic edibles for their survival. The famous works of Peter Singer on animal rights include â€Å"All Animals are Equal†, that came into print in the later part of the 1980s. This is an excerpt from his book â€Å"Animal Rights and Human Behaviors† (1989). It highlights his decades’ old philosophy that speaks of safeguarding animal rights. Singer states that stance of respect of animals should be voiced and maintained. Singer does not emphasize that animals should have rights like humans but puts emphasis on the fact that their rights should also be recognized. He does not mean to say that animals are just like humans or should be treated just like humans. According to him

Friday, February 7, 2020

How is the theme of friendship developed in merchant of Venice Essay

How is the theme of friendship developed in merchant of Venice - Essay Example Friendship between Antonio and Bassanio is both deep and complex. Male friendship is usually formed in the course of life when men share particular experiences, for example, helping each other in difficult situations. In friendship, each person is willing to sacrifice his life to help his friend, and this makes the bonds even stronger. In The Merchant of Venice, the nature of friendship between Antonio and Bassanio is different. Indeed, it is possible to say that it seems to be one-sided with Antonio being a better and more devoted comrade. From the very first scene, the audience gets to know that all Antonio worries about is not his business, which is at stake, but his friend Bassanio. It is even possible to say that Antonio is in love with his friend; perhaps, he is jealous, and this is what causes his melancholy. While critics still argue on the issue of Antonio’s affection to Bassanio, the fact remains that Antonio cares about his friend more than Bassanio cares about him. Bassanio, in his turn, seems to take advantage of such affection. The matter is that he is used to live outside of his means and always relies on Antonio to give him money. As Shakespeare puts it into Bassanio words, â€Å"To you, Antonio, / I owe the most, in money and in love, / And from your love I have a warranty / To unburden all my plots and purposes / How to get clear of all the debts I owe† (I. I. 132-136). Apart from financing all the plans and affairs Bassanio has, Antonio also chooses to support his friend in quite an unusual way so that Bassanio is happy. In particular, despite the fact that all the assets Antonio has are spread out, he does not give up an idea to secure happiness of Bassanio. He goes to his enemy Shylock and agrees â€Å"seal unto this bond†, to give one pound of his flesh if he cannot pay off the debt (I. I. 169). At the same time, Bassanio tries to be a good friend as well. He remembers whom he owes his happiness and