Friday, December 27, 2019

Pauses in Speech and Writing

In phonetics, a pause is a break in speaking; a moment of silence. Adjective: pausal. Pauses and Phonetics In phonetic analysis, a double vertical bar (||) is used to represent a distinct pause. In direct speech (in both fiction and nonfiction), a pause is conventionally indicated in writing by ellipsis points (. . .) or a dash (—). Pauses in Fiction Gwen raised her head and spoke haltingly, fighting back tears. He told me Tuesday there was too much damage . . . She wiped her wet face with her fingers. But he wants to send her to a specialist in Memphis. (John Grisham, A Time to Kill. Wynwood Press, 1989)Anyone who is guilty of such practices . . ., he paused for effect, leaning forward and staring at the congregation, . . . anyone in town . . ., he turned and looked behind him, at the monks and nuns in the choir, . . . or even in the priory . . . He turned back. I say, anyone guilty of such practices should be shunned.He paused for effect.And may God have mercy on their souls. (Ken Follett, World Without End. Dutton, 2007) Pauses in Drama Mick: You still got that leak.Aston: Yes.Pause.Its coming from the roof.Mick: From the roof, eh?Aston: Yes.Pause.Ill have to tar it over.Mick: Youre going to tar it over?Aston: Yes.Mick: What?Aston: The cracks.Pause.Mick: Youll be tarring over the cracks on the roof.Aston: Yes.Pause.Mick: Think thatll do it?Aston: Itll do it, for the time being.Mick: Uh.Pause.  (Harold Pinter,  The Caretaker. Grove Press, 1961) The pause is a pause because of what has just happened in the minds and guts of the characters. They spring out of the text. Theyre not formal conveniences or stresses but part of the body of the action. (Harold Pinter in Conversations With Pinter by Mel Gussow. Nick Hern Books, 1994) Pauses in Public Speaking If you prefer to read your speech, make sure to pause frequently, take a breath, look up, and scan the audience. . . .Besides allowing you to fill your lungs with air, pausing also allows the audience to absorb the spoken words and create pictures in their own minds. The habit of pausing eliminates the dreaded um and err and adds emphasis to your last point. (Peter L. Miller, Speaking Skills for Every Occasion. Pascal Press, 2003) Pauses in Conversation There are even rules about silence. It has been said that, in a conversation between two English speakers who are not close friends, a silence of longer than four seconds is not allowed (which means that people become embarrassed if nothing is said after that time—they feel obliged to say something, even if it is only a remark about the weather.) (Peter Trudgill, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, 4th ed. Penguin, 2000) Types and Functions of Pauses A distinction has been drawn between silent pauses and filled pauses (e.g. ah, er), and several functions of pause have been established, e.g. for breathing, to mark grammatical boundaries, and to provide time for the planning of new material. Pauses which have a structural function (juncture pauses) are distinguished from those involved in hesitation (hesitation pauses). Investigations of pausal phenomena have been particularly relevant in relation to developing a theory of speech production. In grammar, the notion of potential pause is sometimes used as a technique for establishing word units in a language—pauses being more likely at word boundaries than within words. (David Crystal, Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th ed. Blackwell, 2008) Systematic pausing . . . performs several functions: marking syntactic boundaries;allowing the speaker time to forward plan;providing semantic focus (a pause after an important word);marking a word or phrase rhetorically (a pause before it);indicating the speakers willingness to hand over the speech turn to an interlocutor. The first two are closely connected. For the speaker, it is efficient to construct forward planning around syntactic or phonological units (the two may not always coincide). For the listener this carries the benefit that syntactic boundaries are often marked. (John Field, Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2004) Lengths of Pauses Pausing also gives the speaker time to plan an upcoming utterance (Goldman-Eisler, 1968; Butcher, 1981; Levelt, 1989). Ferreira (1991) showed that speech planning-based pauses are longer before more complex syntactic material, whereas what she terms timing-based pauses (after already spoken material), tend to reflect prosodic structure. There is also a relationship between pause placement, prosodic structure, and syntactic disambiguation across a range of languages (e.g., Price et al., 1991; Jun, 2003). In general, tasks that require greater cognitive load on the speaker or that require them to perfom a more complex task other than reading from a prepared script result in longer pauses . . .. For example, Grosjean and Deschamps (1975) found that pauses are more than twice as long during description tasks (1,320 ms) than during interviews (520 ms) . . .. (Janet Fletcher, The Prosody of Speech: Timing and Rhythm. The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences, 2nd ed., edited by William J. Hardcast le, John Laver, and Fiona E. Gibbon. Blackwell, 2013) The Lighter Side of Pauses: Joke-Telling [A] critical feature in the style of all stand-up comedians is a pause after the delivery of the punch line, during which the audience laughs. The comic usually signals the onset of this critical pause with marked gestures, facial expressions, and altered voice intonation. Jack Benny was known for his minimalist gestures, but they were still discernible, and worked wonderfully. A joke will fail if the comic rushes to his next joke, providing no pause for audience laughter (premature ejokulation)—this is comedys recognition of the power of the punctuation effect. When the comic continues too soon after delivery of his punch line, he not only discourages, and crowds-out, but neurologically inhibits audience laughter (laftus interruptus). In show-biz jargon, you dont want to step on your punch line. (Robert R. Provine, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation. Viking, 2000)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Effect Of Wind Energy On Fossil Fuels - 1860 Words

Literature Review, Wind Energy as an alternative to Fossil Fuels Introduction Granting that wind energy has many environmental benefits when compared to fossil energy, there are many arguments that have been exposed by researchers to critically and empirically show the sustainability of each source of energy. While the fossil fuel energy remains as the most used in the production of electricity required to run different industries, sources suggest that effective implementation and management of wind energy infrastructures can reduce the impacts that exist due to the high usage of fossil energy. This paper exposes an argumentative literature review so that to compare and contrast the arguments as seen from the past literature. The arguments exposed by the research will be intended to examine the hypothetical argument that a successful implementation of wind energy in any country is the solution to many economic and environmental challenges. Argumentative Literature Review Though Machol and Rizk (75-80) argue that wind energy’s primary benefits are inclined to the environmental benefits, Sovacool (19-24) provide counter-arguments to empirically prove that wind energy has many economic benefits. In the first study, the researchers noted that wind energy was the most successful energy source compared to other new energy sources. In the study, the researcher revealed that the notion of wind energy as important due to the environmental benefits was insufficient to provideShow MoreRelatedWind Energy : One Approach From The Energy Crisis996 Words   |  4 PagesWind Energy: One Approach to the Energy Crisis Introduction The renewable energy from wind energy has become a popular method of producing energy. When the world realized fossil fuel emission are harmful to our atmosphere, many countries started to look toward renewable energy sources. In recent years the U.S. has given tax incentives and tax breaks for using a renewable energy sources. The U.S. has become the leaders in using wind energy for a renewable resources. Even though wind power energyRead MoreFossil Fuels : The World s Primary Energy Source952 Words   |  4 PagesFossil fuels are currently the world s primary energy source. Fossil fuel includes coal, natural gas, and oil. In 2015, The United States consumed 97.7 billion btu of energy, 81% of that was from fossil fuels (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). Fossil fuel use will cause air and water pollution that will negatively affect all life on Earth. In 2012, it was estimated that air pollution caused 6.5 million deaths worldwide (WHO, 2016). These pollutants can wo rsen or cause respiratory andRead MoreThe worlds fossil fuels are running out. With the average amount of time it takes for coal to form1000 Words   |  4 PagesThe worlds fossil fuels are running out. 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There are other sources of energy available that do notRead MoreShould We Use More Environmentally Friendly Ways For Produce Energy?1338 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish Period 5 Mrs. Teacher The world in general, and especially in the United States, consumes a lot of energy. This has been known for a very long time. We have used fossil fuels, nuclear power plants, and other traditional means to make energy. Recently, many parties, including environmentalist parties, have said that we should use more environmentally friendly ways to produce energy. Which solution is right is debatable, but one thing is certain: Finding a solution to the problem is criticalRead MoreAlternative Energy: Solar Energy1323 Words   |  5 PagesIn the world today, alternative energy source which is an alternative to fossil fuel and nuclear energy is becoming more and more of a necessity. Right now, the world’s population growth has caused an increase in the energy demand. 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Wind power is able to turn a mill that generates electricity. Wind power is a source of energy that is very reliable, steady, and consistent from year to year. The growth of the wind power sources can lead to more jobs that wi ll help America s and the world s economy grow (Williams,What Are the Different). What is the cleanest and safest type of alternative energy? To some people s surprise it is actually nuclear power. Nuclear powerRead MoreHeat947 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscuss how energy can be converted from one form to another, giving specific examples. The seven major forms of energy are: sound, chemical, radiant (light), electrical, atomic (nuclear), mechanical, thermal (heat). Remembered as â€Å"SCREAM Today† The two states of energy are potential and kinetic. (Clarkson, edu.2008). Energy can be converted to useful forms by various means. Energy and its conversion between forms can be expressed quantitatively. When converting energy, a significantRead MoreThe Effects Of Fossil Fuels On Our Planet And Its Occupants957 Words   |  4 Pagesin the mid-1700’s and through the 1800’s, our home planet has suffered through the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels primarily consist of coal, oil, and natural gas which formed from dead plants and animals that died several million years ago. Because of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of technology, we are using our naturally occurring fuels considerably faster than they are being replaced. These fuels also damage our planet and its inhabitants and are depleting at an alarming rate. In order

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Search Engine Optimisation for IT and Engineering-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theSearch Engine Optimisation for IT and Engineering. Answer: Introduction: This paper is purposefully based on conceptualizing the SEO to a firm which has few decision-makers not being able to understand the term. The case organization has plans to employ an SEO firm; however, they first want to review the process as they are not sure of the key challenges associated with its application and the post-implementation process. The learner has been assigned to the mentioned task. The plan to employ an SEO firm is indeed important in regards to increasing the official website visibility to the target audience. Google, Bing and Yahoo are the three most popular platforms which are used for the search engine optimization. It is related to certain keywords which the target audience generally search for. The moment they enter those certain keywords they get able to view a list of other suggestions also arranged in order based on the website rankings. This means the search was for a different keyword; however, the list of suggestions may also encourage users to other keywords. However, the suggested keywords might encourage visiting the pages which may be either useful or engaging for the target audience (Baye, De los Santos and Wildenbeest 2016; pp.6-31). The review process on the SEO is being done in this paper by first looking on the advantages that an SEO platform provides. In addition, it also enquires the key problems associated with the SEO and recommends a way to get rid of that. Conceptualising the SEO and SEO firm: A website may lack the content which is required to increase its engaging capability. Nowadays, a website is not just limited to providing the basic information of the website owner. It is actually now seen as one of the platforms to advertise the product or the service, engaging customers with its content and converting maximum turns into sales. Optimising a website may include making changes to its content to make it look attractive engaging, facilitating HTML associated coding to make it more relevant with most typed keywords and eliminating barriers to effective indexing activities of search engine platforms (Egri and Bayrak 2014). Those that are recognized specialist in delivering SEO services are commonly known as SEO firms. Business organizations approach that SEOseeking solutions on their website. Solutions include making required amendments to the contents to make it much competitive and highly interactive. Advantages of using SEO: There are the ample of advantages of using an SEO service that is as listed below (Arlitsch and OBrien 2015; pp.950-952): Increases Traffic:People may be searching for products or serviceswhich are relevant to the products or services of many companies. However, not all the companies have the chance to get caught in the sight of customers. SEO indeed helps to stock keywords in the index which are relevant to what audience looks for. Hence, companies that are not predominantly searched on the search engines can also find the new audience. The number of clicks improves the ranking. Website with highest ranks is searched more than any other websites. SEO may help to increase the traffic and thereby the ranking. An increased traffic is indeed necessary for an improved performance of the website. SEO helps to identify the relevant keywords which target audience generally type. SEO works on Meta descriptions and the title tags which also contribute in drawing the attention of audience. A website link optimised that way conveys useful information giving a snapshot of the actual website page. Hence, this also helps to increase the click though rates. ROI: SEO does not only increase the clicks, it also communicates the path which the users have followed. This is beneficial for both e-commerce and non-e-commerce sites. E-commerce sites may also know the path which the users have followed to complete a sale. SEO may help to improve the rankings, traffic and the conversions. Rankingsis important for appearing on the top of the list of the drop down. Traffic' is directly proportional to click through rate. An increased traffic means an enhanced click through rates. SEO created traffic are more likely to get converted into customers. It is better than any other way of traffic conversion. This is indeed an effective way to promote the business. Cost-effectiveness: SEO is an essential marketing strategy and is effectively more than any other marketing strategies like cold-calling.SEO targets only those audiences who are searching for the similar kind of product or service which the concerned company has. Moreover, it is a kind of incoming customers. On the other hand, cold-calling is an outgoing process. Cold-calling may still be effective in generating the leads, however, the SEO moves ahead in terms of producing quality leads. Hence, SEO is indeed a cost-effective and extremely beneficial method which may ensure a success. Improved site usability: This is another advantage of approaching the SEO service. SEO firms can effectively help to improve the website architecture to improve its user interface. The website can have an enhanced navigable capability. Therefore, users might feel it easier to navigate through the website pages. This also means that SEO does not only help to increase the possibility of being viewed by the audience but, also means an easy navigable between pages. Brand responsiveness: SEO, as discussed earlier, helps to improve the rankings through its incoming strategies. The incoming strategies mean making changes to the website architecture, making the keywords relevant by stocking more words to the index and improving the page navigation. This way SEO helps to fetch leadswhich are high in quality. The rankings get improved and hence, make the website visible on the first page. It may leave a good impression on customers because companies being listed on the first page are viewed as more trustworthy. Freedom from the paid advertisement:The website traffic can be increased without ever paying for the single click. SEO helps to increase the website clicks and thereby, helps to save on the investments. The saved money can be used in more important areas. Key issues of SEO: There are some serious issues which need to be taken care with the utmost protection. The role-play of the case company will be selecting SEO firms with high ratings in quality service. This may ensure prevention of issues which are discussed as follows: Duplicate content: In approximately around 50% cases, the duplicity of contents is a reported problem (Chojar, Chauhan and Singh 2014; pp.495-499). In such scenario, Google or other search engines may not be able to rank the websites. Feed is done in such a way that search engines make a differentiation based on the content originality. It means that contest should not match. The duplicity of contents may not fetch positive response from Google and hence, CTR (click through rates) will get hampered. A reduced CTR will result in lessened traffic. Therefore, the purpose to hire the SEO firm will not be served (Choudhari and Bhalla 2015; pp.692-694). Title tags: Title tag appears at the top of search listings. The tag needs to be attractive and concise as well, so that, the audience is able to build up a perception regarding the website. There are commonly few issues which SEO firms are practicing. Those few issues are copied title tags, long title tags, smaller or meaningless title tags and missing tags. Copied title tags may reduce the chances of the website appearing on the first page of the search engine (Pitale and Verma 2015; pp.2-3). An effective title tag abiding by the rules policies of search engines such as of Google may help to get CTR (click through rates). On the other hand, an overly stated or meaningless tag may result in the otherwise consequences. Google, in particular, is intended to give unique contents to users (Jerath, Ma and Park 2014; pp.483-486). This means if title tags are not original or they are invaluable, Google may certainly reject those websites from appearing in the list. Overly long tags are no t also good for the company. Google, in particular, has the certain range of characters which can be displayed to customers. Google may only show up to 71 characters. Missing title tags is itself an issue as the search engine may not identify the contents and hence, traffic may get hampered. Title tags should also not be too smaller that it does not make any sense. It needs to be to the extent it conveys any meaning to the target audience. Moreover, in that way, the search engine like Google will also be able to identify the values of the content (Chojar, Chauhan and Singh 2014; pp.494-498). Meta descriptions: Meta descriptions do help to attract customers towards a particular website. It may not have a direct influence; however, it really helps to increase the CTR (click through rates) (Yang, Shi and Wang 2015; pp.1108-1112). If that happens customer may feel like visiting the web page. Hence, the web traffic will then improve. This will also impact the conversion rate if the website has impactful contents and are appropriately distributed on each page. This should not be the case that one or few pages have very less amount of words in it. Some SEO firms do copy the Meta descriptions. Therefore, the page listing will be lessened (Vermaet al. 2015; pp.45-51). Invaluable word-count: Some SEO firms do not concentrate on the word-count. They either construct low word count which does not convey any significant meaning or the contents are copied and hence, less attractive.Sometimes they have sufficient word count on the website page; however, due to being copied from similar other sites it fails to deliver (Jindal and Kharb 2014; pp.2-4). There are certain guidelines set by the different search engines such as Google in regards to the word-count limit on the website page. Google in particular values much in-depth and insightful content. Website meeting those criteria will also find their ranks as improving. An improved rank will result in increased web traffic and hence, the conversion rates (Yang, Shi and Wang 2015; pp.1106-1109). Recommendations: Avoiding duplicity of content:The company must ensure that they are at the right hand. The assurance is needed on the content. They must not afford to hire someone who used to follow duplicity of content. Use of effective Title tags: The case company must really focus on hiring SEO firms with good ratings. Hence, it is necessary for the organization it gets the reputed SEO firm that has good market values. Such firms will ensure that title tags are shorter and within the guidelines set by search engines but, still, conveying potential insights to customers. Useof attractive Meta descriptions: It is important to hire SEO firms with good market values, so that, they pay utmost attention while constructing the Meta descriptions. Meta descriptions should be precise but, must be conveying a good insight of the website. Valuable word-count:This is necessary that the website has the appropriate word-count distributed to the different pages. A reputed SEO firm makes it sure that they change the website architecture and fill this with necessary contents in a way that it looks much better and meaningful as well. Conclusion: Therefore, the case study company needs to pay a high attention to the benefits and the challenges of hiring the SEO firm. The selection of SEO firm needs to be done after ensuring that the selected firm has the good market values. This is very important to avoid any challenges which are all being highlighted in this study. Duplicate content, title tags, Meta descriptions and invaluable word-count are the few issues which need to be taken care of while in business with the SEO firm. The primary action will be to shortlist the number of SEO firms that are available in the market. The different SEO firms must be analyzed based on their market values. In addition, the number of successful projects that they have conducted, so far, should also be checked to understand whether they are dealing with the right SEO firm. References: Arlitsch, K. and OBrien, P., 2015. Introducing the" Getting Found" Web Analytics Cookbook for Monitoring Search Engine Optimization of Digital Repositories.Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML),4, pp.947-953. Baye, M.R., De los Santos, B. and Wildenbeest, M.R., 2016. Search engine optimization: what drives organic traffic to retail sites?.Journal of Economics Management Strategy,25(1), pp.6-31. Chojar, B., Chauhan, A. and Singh, A.V., 2014. Search engine optimization: A review.International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering,4(1), pp.493-499. Choudhari, K. and Bhalla, V.K., 2015. Video search engine optimization using keyword and feature analysis.Procedia Computer Science,58, pp.691-697. Egri, G. and Bayrak, C., 2014. The role of search engine optimization on keeping the user on the site.Procedia Computer Science,36, pp.335-342. Jerath, K., Ma, L. and Park, Y.H., 2014. Consumer click behavior at a search engine: The role of keyword popularity.Journal of Marketing Research,51(4), pp.480-486. Jindal, M. and Kharb, N., 2014. Data Mining in Web Search Engine Optimization and User Assisted Rank Results.International Journal of Computer Applications,95(8), pp.19-39. Pitale, P. and Verma, A.U., 2015. Survey Paper based on Search Engine Optimization, Web Crawler and Web Mining.International Journal of Computer Applications (09758887) Applications of Computers and Electronics for the Welfare of Rural Masses (ACEWRM),2015, pp.1-3. Verma, N., Malhotra, D., Malhotra, M. and Singh, J., 2015. E-commerce website ranking using semantic web mining and neural computing.Procedia Computer Science,45, pp.42-51. Yang, Z., Shi, Y. and Wang, B., 2015. Search engine marketing, financing ability and firm performance in E-commerce.Procedia Computer Science,55, pp.1106-1112.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Influence Of Solitary Neglect On The Development Essays

The Influence Of Solitary Neglect On The Development England established colonies in America to provide them with raw materials. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. During the seventeen hundreds England was suffering from many hardships. England became preoccupied and could not enforce the Navigation Acts. This was known as a period of solitary neglect. Solitary neglect influenced the development of American society. Its influence can be seen in America's legislative assemblies, commerce, and religion. By seventeen-fifty Colonial America was governed by the colonist. Although England still owned the colonies, the colonist reacted to the colonial government rather than England. Many colonies in the New World passed acts, which allowed them to be self-governed. The pilgrims in Plymouth signed the Mayflower Compact, which said they would rule themselves although they are a colony of England. Virginia established the House of Burgesses and a representative democracy. A representative democracy means citizens vote on the person they want to represent them. Connecticut wrote a document entitled ?The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This reinforced self-government and the ideas of representative government. England had a mercantilist economy. Mercantilism means, governmental control is exercised over industry and trade in accordance with the theory that national strength is increased by a majority of exports over imports. They established colonies in America to provide England with raw materials. The mother country brought the raw materials from the colonies and manufactured them. They then sold the new manufactured goods back to the colonies at a high price in order to create revenue. England passed the Navigation Acts to enforce mercantilism. Navigation acts were legislation passed by the English Parliament in the 17th and 18th centuries to promote and protect English industry and commerce against foreign competition. The Navigation acts consisted of three parts. The first part said trades two and from the colonies must be made on English or Colonial built ships. The second said that all goods in imported into the colonies must go through England. The third part said that there were c ertain goods called enumerated goods that could be only exported to England. Eventually all colonial goods would be enumerated. Due to England's neglect of enforcing the Navigation acts the colonist engaged in smuggling. In sixteen eighty-eight England established the Dominion of New England, which was lead by Edmund Andros. He was sent to the New World to enforce the Navigation Acts. The Dominion of New England was abandoned when William and Mary overthrew King James II. Religious toleration became a major characteristic of colonial America. England failed to mandate the Anglican Religion in all colonies. As a result many religions developed. Moreover many colonies passed toleration acts such as Maryland, which passed an act that provided for religious freedom. Due to this people of many religions, such as Quakers and Roman Catholics, settled in the colonies. The middle colonies had the most diverse religious group. This contributed to Americas distinct makeup and aided it in becoming more unlike England. In conclusion England's Solitary neglect influenced the development of American society. Politically the colonies were given too much freedom by England to govern themselves. This eventually lead to the Americas resistance toward England. Economically England's neglect of the Navigation acts allowed the colonist to illegally control trade to and from America. Religiously America's religious toleration led to its distinct traits and made it more different from England. History Essays